PEZ Timeline
continued with a wide array of new PEZ items. Sets were big as Snow White was re-issued in a
set with the 7 Dwarfs. Hello Kitty gift tin with 4 crystal
Characters was issued plus two additional: Hello Kitty full body
and Hello Kitty with Heart.. Thomas the Train series saw 4 trains in a
tin display box with Thomas, Percy, James, and Gordon. Gordon
was only issued in the special tin box. Toy Story Series continued
to expand with Jessie, Slinky Dog and Hamm the Piggy Bank.
A Chocolate Bunny on pink stem was added to the Easter series. New NASCAR
helmets came out honoring several race tracks and races: Phoenix,
and Chicagoland. Specialty Big
Rig trucks included Ace Hardware, CVS Pharmacy, Rite-Aid, Stewart's,
Bottom Dollar Foods, Food Lion, Wawa grocery, Wegman's Grocery (Tomatoes
on side), and Giant Eagle's Get-Go red truck. Other specialty issues included
Geico and Chuck E Cheese. Europe put their own set of 8 Big
Rigs called 'Power Trucks'. The Disney Princess series
expanded to include Princess Tiana (from Princess and the Frog). Ben 10 series
was issued in Europe with Heat Blast, Way Big and Ben 10. Sparefroh
also came out in Europe. FIFI
World Cup Soccer has soccerballs on three colors of stems. Winnie
the Pooh was issued in Europe as a click varity (Pooh, Pooh with honey jar,
Piglet, Tigger, Eyore, and Roo). NCAA expanded their series by
issuing basketballs from Ohio State, Kentucky, Syracuse and UConn, and
a UNC National Champion (2009). NCAA football was added:
Brigham Young University. For
Halloween a GITD Vampire was added to the line. Baseballs series added
the Phillie Fanatic, a Yankees 27 titles, the White Sox, Mariners, and
Marlins, and a new logo for San Francisco. Skipper the Penguin from Madagascar was issued in the US as
part of a favorites Package. Hello Kitty plush PEZ were issued as was
a Winter Plush series.. Barky Brown Charity set included a
Halloween special with a White GITD Head Barky on black, and a White GITD
"Barkina" on orange
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In 2011 CVS issued a
red truck to go along with the 2010 version white truck. Other Big Rig trucks:
Craftsman, Safeway, HyVee, Wegman's 2011
edition (Sushi), and Four Wal-Mart trucks featuring their logo
over the years.. Valentine's Day saw the special issue of Micky and Minnie with
hearts stems. A special box of Cars - Lightning McQueen and Sally were also
issued with heart stems. A teddy Bear or Love bear was issued holding a heart
pillow with "Love". (There are three versions of paw color - light
brown, reddish, and dark brown). MLB added 5 new teams to the
series: Cincinnati Reds, Colorado Rockies, Houston Astros, LA Angels, and
Texas Rangers. Boston red Sox mascot "Wally" was added
along with a new logo for the LA Dodgers and St Louis Cardinals. Texas A&M,
Tech, Hawaii, and Bosie State were added to the NCAA Football set. Thomas Train Series expanded with #7 Toby. European
issues includ Mr Men Series (Mr Strong, Mr Rude, Mr Happy, Mr Bump, and
Miss Sunshine). A new series for the animated cartoon Phineas and Ferb
came out featuring Phineas, Ferb, and Agent P. The Disney
Princess Series was expanded to include Rapunzel. The Super Hero
series was expanded to include Captain America and Thor.
Then a Justice League series came out with the busts of Green Lantern,
Batman, and Superman. Finn McMissle was added to the Cars
series while Lightning McQueen and Mater were changed. A series
of three magnetic Pull-and-Go cars were issued with Finn McMissle, the new
Lightning McQueen and the new Mater. A Handy Manny set came out with 4
characters: Handy Manny Garcia, Dusty the hand Saw, Pat the Hammer, and
Flicker the Flashlight. A Lord of the Rings set was issued with
two variations, one set had the Eye of Souran and the other Bilbo
Baggins. The seven common figures are : Frodo Baggins, Samwise Gamgee,
Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, and Gollum. Pez introduced the
first of their educational series with a box including the first 5 presidents:
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. Halloween saw
another remake of the Glowing Witch. Two NHL Hocley Goalie
Masks were issued in Canada. Bolo Bear was issued in Mexico
for Liverpool Department Store. In Europe, a "Smart Pez" series saw
a series of 5 students with mortar boards and different color stems, a 3
character Littlest Pet Shop series, and a Hello Kitty Skulls release.
Valentine Bears were added to the Plush series along with
Sanrio's Kerropi. Barky Brown Charity set included a Pink "Barkina" and Blue Barky
Brown with easter Eggs and a Pink Crystal "Barkina" and Blue Crystal
Barky head with "Valentines Day" on the stem.
2012 started right off with
the issue of a new Kermit Frog, Miss Piggy and the intro of Animal.
Darth Mall and a new Yoda
were added to Star Wars series. Valentines series saw the addition of Love Bears holding hearts of
"Kisses" and "Hugs". Several new color hearts were
issued but not widely distributed: Purple crystal and Red Crystal on White
stem. The D.C. Comics and marvel Comics characters expanded with a reworked Ironman
with a gold mask. Spiderman was redone in Bust Style along
with and new issues of Lizardman and Catwoman. Strawberry
Shortcake series came out featuring Strawberry Shortcake, Orange Blossum, and
Lemon Merengue. The Halloween series added a new Pumpkin design.
Star Trek - Next Generation series came out with two sets (one for
WalMart). A new Barbie collection in a pink tin purse featured four
different barbie PEZ. The band KISS had been a fantasy PEZ for years but
officially came out in their own collectible tim box. The educational
series was expanded with volumes II and III featuring the next 10 presidents: John
Q Adams, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler,
James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Filmore, Franklin Pierce, and James
Buchannon. Released in Canada, a Stanley Cup Hockey series of 6 PEZ
featuring the 6 original teams and the date of their last Stanley Cup win. A Wegman's
2012 (Veggies), Shop Rite and a Toys R Us Big Rig was added
to the Big Rig series. There were European exclusive issues that included Nici
(Keep Smiling), Disney Cuties (featuring baby Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, and
Donald), and Paul Frank Julius Monkey
2013...New issues
for 2013 include the addition of Dory to the Finding Nemo
Series. The Oscar winning animated movie Brave features a new
Disney Princess: Merida. A new floppy ear Bunny appeared
for Easter along with a new Egg with a Painted Duck. Red Nose
Day in Europe saw the special release of three funny red nost
charaters. Policeman Ferdinand was a special Austrian issue.
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